Just as summer is winding down
I am going to share
a couple of patriotic projects
that I made last summer....

I wanted a flag holder
for my gable on my front porch,
so this is what I came up with.
I only had to purchase the flags,
I am going to share
a couple of patriotic projects
that I made last summer....
I wanted a flag holder
for my gable on my front porch,
so this is what I came up with.
I only had to purchase the flags,
everything else I found out in the garage.
It was just what I needed to
dress up my porch for summer!
I love the patriotic punch
it gave to my porch.
It has stayed up all of last summer
and again this summer right
and again this summer right
through this Labor Day weekend!
Flag holder tutorial~
Find a piece of wood
and a piece of decorative molding.
I had both of these in the garage. :)
I never measure anything...
I like to eyeball, it's quicker that way!
You can measure if you want...
I marked where I wanted to drill the holes for my flags.
I started by drilling down about 1/4"
and then I went in at and angle.
The first time I drilled them I forgot to pivot
the drill so the flags would fan out.
So.... I just re-drilled at the correct angles.
Once it was hung on my porch gable
you couldn't see my mistake. :)
Get out your spray paint and
spray away!
I wanted my molding to POP
so I painted it white!
I glued the molding on with Elmer's wood glue.
I then dipped each of the flag ends in theglue and inserted them in the holes.
I skipped this step on the holder I made for my parent's.
Mom wanted to be able to remove the flags for easier storage.
find your hubby and have him hang it for you!
So thankful mine is handy,
he is always willing to help me out!
pour both of you an iced tea or lemonade,
light the candles on the porch and sit down and
enjoy Old Glory blowing in the breeze.
enjoy Old Glory blowing in the breeze.
I took these pictures as the sun was setting.
I love to light the candles in the evening.
Another patriotic project was my
spinning flag holder.
spinning flag holder.
It's fun to spin!
I bought the spinning picture cube
at Wal-mart last summer.
They still carry them.
We love sitting on our porch!
The garage sale porch swing
is the favorite seat
of everyone during the summer.
Our new grandaughter, Little Miss Klara
will be coming to our house next month and I plan
swinging with her at nap time!
I am hoping to enjoy this last holiday
weekend of summer, from the comfort
of my porch swing and pool deck.
How about all of you?
Any special Labor Day plans?
Leigh Ann
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